사용자:구순돌/연습장/쿠바 국립 수족관

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.
구순돌/연습장/쿠바 국립 수족관

The Acuario Nacional de Cuba (National Aquarium of Cuba) is an aquarium in Havana, Cuba established in 1960 to focus on "research and environmental education".[1] Displays include those of coral and other tropical species, as well as a dolphinarium and sea lion shows.


In 1998, the original dolphin show stadium was damaged by a hurricane. A new stadium was built and opened in 2000.


  1. Howard Norfolk, "A Visit to the National Aquarium of Cuba (Acuario Nacional de Cuba)". Aquarticles, January 1994. Available “Archived copy”. 2010년 8월 6일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2010년 7월 17일에 확인함. 

External links[편집]
