본문으로 이동

사용자:Bandoche/구글 분석

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.


구글 분석
운영 체제크로스 플랫폼 (웹기반 응용프로그램)
종류통계, 분석

구글 애널리틱스구글에서 웹 사이트 방문제에 대한 자세한 통계를 제공하는 무료 서비스이다. 가장 큰 특징은 다른 통계 서비스들과는 달리 마케팅에 초점이 맞추어져있다는 것이다.

구글 애널리틱스는 검색엔진을 포함한 리퍼러, 광고 노출, 클릭 대비 비용 네트워크, 이메일 마케팅, 그리고 PDF문서등을 추적할 수 있다.

Integrated with AdWords, users can review online campaigns by tracking landing page quality and conversions (goals). Goals might include sales, lead generation, viewing a specific page, or downloading a particular file. These can also be monetized. By using GA, marketers can determine which ads are performing, and which are not, providing the information to optimise or cull campaigns.

구글 애널리틱스는 일반 사용자나, 심도있는 보고서를 원하는 사용자를 위한 대쉬보드를 제공한다. 구글 애널리틱스를 이용하면 퍼널 시각화와 같은 기술을 이용하여 늦게 뜨는 페이지를 확인하거나, 사람들이 어떤 사이트를 통해서 들어오는지, 사람들이 어느 지역에서 접속하는지 등을 알 수 있다. 또한 개별적인 방문자 세분화와 같은 기능도 이용할 수 있다.

한 사용자는 최대 50개의 프로파일을 등록할 수 있고, 각각의 프로파일에 사이트가 하나씩 존재한다. 구글 애드워즈에 등록하지 않았다면 매달 500만 페이지뷰 이하의 사이트만 등록가능하다.[1]


Google's service was developed from Urchin Software Corporation's analytics system, Urchin on Demand (Google acquired Urchin Software Corp. in April 2005). The system also brings ideas from Adaptive Path, whose product, Measure Map, was acquired and renamed to Google Analytics in 2006. [1] Google still sells the standalone installable Urchin software through a network of value-added resellers; In April 2008, Urchin 6 was released.

The Google-branded version was rolled-out in November 2005 to anyone who wished to sign up. However due to extremely high demand for the service, new sign-ups were suspended only a week later. As capacity was added to the system, Google began using a lottery-type invitation-code model. Prior to August 2006 Google was sending out batches of invitation codes as server availability permitted; since mid-August 2006 the service has been fully available to all users - whether they use Google for advertising or not. A new version of the user interface was released on May 17, 2007.[2]

In December 2007, Google rolled out the new ga.js page tag which they recommend to use for all new accounts and new profiles for new domains. Existing urchin.js page tags will continue to work, nevertheless the new tag will allow site owners to take advantage of the most up-to-date tracking functionality, ability to graph multiple data points at once and to track ecommerce transactions in a more readable way.[3]

While the product platform has never been a beta new beta features are added from time to time.


틀:Refimprovesect Google Analytics is implemented by including what is known as a "page tag". This is referred to as the Google Analytics Tracking Code (GATC) and is a hidden snippet of JavaScript code that the user adds onto every page of their website. This code acts as a beacon, collecting anonymous [출처 필요] visitor data and sending it back to Google data collection servers for processing. Data processing takes place hourly, though it can be 3-4 hours in arrears of real time.

To function, the GATC loads a larger file from the Google webserver and then sets variables with the user's account number. The larger file (currently known as ga.js) is typically 18 KB in size and is only downloaded once at the start of the visit as it will be cached throughout the session. As all websites that implement GA with the ga.js code are using the same master file from Google, a visitor that has previously visited any other website with this code implemented, will also have the file cached on their machine. The result is that the page overhead of including the GATC on web pages is kept to a minimum.

In addition to broadcasting information to Google servers, the GATC sets first party cookies on each visitor's computer. This is used to store anonymous information such as whether the visitor has been to the site before (new or returning visitor), what is the timestamp of the current visit and what was the referrer site or campaign the visitor came from e.g. search engine, keywords, banner, email etc.


많은 광고 필터 프로그램과 확장 기능들에서 구글 애널리틱스를 막을 수 있다. 즉 일부 사용자들에 대한 자료는 감지하지 못한다는 말이다. 또한 사설 네트워크에서는 사용자의 실제 위치를 알 수 없어서 정확한 지리적 정보를 수집할 수 없다. 또한 웹 브라우저에서 자바스크립트를 사용하지 않는 사용자도 있다. 하지만 실제로 이러한 한계로 놓지는 사용자는 적다.[4].

The largest potential impact on data accuracy comes from users deleting or blocking Google Analytics cookies[5]. Without cookies being set, GA cannot collect data. Any individual web user can block or delete cookies resulting in the data loss of those visits for GA users. The only protection a website owner can use to prevent this, is to ensure best practice policies are upheld on their web site. That includes being transparent in what visitor data is collected and how it is used. This information is usually placed within a privacy policy statement page.

Because GA uses a page tagging technique to collect visitor information via a combination of JavaScript and cookies, it has limitations with websites browsed from mobile phones. This is due to the fact that only the latest phones are currently able to run JavaScript or set cookies (for example, iPhone and other Smart phones and PDAs).

It is important to note that these limitations affect all on-site web analytics tools that collect on-site visitor data using page tags. That is, the small piece of code (usually JavaScript) that acts as a beacon to collect visitor data.

Bugs and Support[편집]

Until September 2008 it wasn't possible to delete Google Analytics accounts, this has since been rectified[6]. For support, users have many options: Google provides direct email support in many languages [7]. You can contact the Google Analytics Support team to ask a question, suggest a feature or access a list of known issues. Google also provides a Google Analytics Help website[8]. In addition, Google Analytics users can get help by visiting the Analytics Help Forum[9], and search for answers to their questions or post new questions. For professional services and paid services, including technical support, installation, training and consulting, Google has created a global partner network of Google Analytics Authorized Consultants (GAACs)[10], supporting GA users in many regions and languages.

See also[편집]


External links[편집]