본문으로 이동

사용자:FriedC/포켓몬스터의 게임플레이

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

틀:Italic title prefixed

롤플레잉 비디오 게임포켓몬스터》 시리즈의 게임플레이는 "포켓몬"이라 부르는 다양한 종류의 가상 생물을 잡고 훈련시켜 다른 트레이너와의 배틀에 이용하는 것이 주를 이룬다. 게임은 각 세대로 이어져 오면서 새로운 포켓몬과 도구, 게임플레이 방법을 추가하며 이 컨셉을 더욱 확립하였다. 일반적인 컨셉의 일부는 게임에 도입되기 전에 다른 매체를 통해 등장하기도 했는데, 게임에 등장하기 오래 전부터 있었던 애니메이션의 더블 배틀, 《포켓몬 카드 게임》의 포켓몬 파워와 유사한 포켓몬 특성, 빛나는 포켓몬을 그 예로 들 수 있다.

게임 구조[편집]

휴대용 게임기용 포켓몬스터 RPG 시리즈는 1996년 처음 작품부터 2014년 최근 작품까지 포켓몬 세계 각각의 특정한 가상 지역을 배경으로 하고 있으며, 플레이어는 각 지역의 포켓몬 박사에게 처음 만나는 포켓몬을 받고 게임을 시작한다. 플레이어는 세계를 여행하고, 포켓몬을 포획하고 진화시키고, 다른 트레이너와 배틀하는 방법으로 자신이 모으는 포켓몬을 늘리고 강하게 만든다. 각 게임의 주된 부연 줄거리는 포켓몬을 이용하여 세계를 정복하려는 범죄 조직과 맞서는 것이다. 이 조직들은 로켓단, 마그마단, 아쿠아단, 갤럭시단, 플라즈마단, 플레어단이 있다.

포켓몬 세계에서 찾을 수 있는 주요 시설은 포켓몬센터, 프렌들리숍, 체육관이 있다. 포켓몬센터에서는 플레이어의 포켓몬을 무료로 치료해주며, 비치된 PC를 이용하여 모은 포켓몬을 정리하고, 포켓몬 도감을 평가받고, 도구를 맡기거나 찾아갈 수 있다. 또한, 이곳에서 다른 카트리지와 연결하여 배틀이나 교환을 할 수 있다. 프렌들리숍은 플레이어가 배틀에서 이긴 뒤 받는 돈으로 도구를 살 수 있는 상점으로, 어떤 도시에는 약국이나 백화점처럼 특별한 형태의 상점도 존재한다. 게임을 진행하면 정기적으로 포켓몬 체육관이 있는 도시가 등장하며 모든 체육관에는 강력한 트레이너인 체육관 관장이 있다. 승리를 인정 받은 플레이어는 체육관 배지를 받고 다음 줄거리를 진행할 수 있게 된다. 체육관 배지 8개를 모두 모은 뒤에는 지역의 사천왕과 챔피언에게 도전할 수 있게 되고, 챔피언에게 승리하면 게임의 주된 줄거리를 마치게 된다.

줄거리를 끝마치면 게임의 다른 요소들이 열리게 되는데, 먼저 갈 수 없었던 장소로 갈 수 있는 방법이 생긴다. 이후에는 실질적으로 게임의 마지막이 없는 상태가 되는데, 플레이어가 적어도 모든 포켓몬을 각각 한 마리씩은 구하여 포켓몬 도감을 완성시키는 것이 궁극적인 목표가 된다. 1세대와 2세대 이외의 작품에서 플레이어가 특정한 조건을 달성하면 포켓몬 도감이 전국 도감으로 업그레이드되고, 이전 시리즈에 등장했던 모든 포켓몬을 모아야 하는 임무가 주어진다. 전국 도감은 이상해씨로 시작하여 그 지역 포켓몬 도감의 마지막 포켓몬으로 끝난다. 포켓몬 종류는 각 게임 세대가 등장할 때마다 증가했는데, 첫 시리즈에서 151마리로 시작하여 최근 시리즈까지 720마리로 증가하였다.

처음 만나는 포켓몬[편집]

처음 만나는 포켓몬
포켓몬스터 적·녹·청》, 《파이어레드·리프그린 이상해씨 파이리 꼬부기
포켓몬스터 피카츄 피카츄
포켓몬스터 금·은·크리스탈》, 《하트골드·소울실버 치코리타 브케인 리아코
포켓몬스터 루비·사파이어·에메랄드》, 《오메가루비·알파사파이어 나무지기 아차모 물짱이
포켓몬스터DP 디아루가·펄기아》, 《Pt 기라티나 모부기 불꽃숭이 팽도리
포켓몬스터 블랙·화이트, 블랙 2·화이트 2 주리비얀 뚜꾸리 수댕이
X·Y 도치마론 푸호꼬 개구마르

롤플레잉 게임 포켓몬스터 시리즈는 전통적으로 플레이어가 모험을 시작할 때 서로 다른 세 종류의 포켓몬 중 하나를 선택하게 되며, 이 세 포켓몬을 처음 만나는 포켓몬이라고 부른다. 플레이어는 풀과 불, 물(이상해씨는 풀/독 타입이며, 이외에도 두 가지 타입을 가진 처음 만나는 포켓몬도 있다.)이라는 서로 다른 세 타입의 포켓몬 중 한 마리를 선택하게 된다.[1] 이 포켓몬들은 그 지역의 고유한 포켓몬으로 여겨지며, 다른 게임과의 교환이 없이는 얻을 수 있는 방법이 없다. 포켓몬을 선택한 후에는 라이벌이 플레이어가 선택한 포켓몬에 효과가 강한 상성을 갖는 포켓몬을 고르게 된다. 블랙·화이트, X·Y에서는 여러 명의 라이벌 캐릭터가 등장하여 나머지 두 마리 포켓몬을 고르게 된다.

포켓몬스터 피카츄》에서는 이러한 시스템 대신에 포켓몬스터 미디어 프랜차이즈의 마스코트로 유명한 전기 타입 쥐 포켓몬인 피카츄를 받으며 게임을 시작한다.[2] 라이벌 트레이너는 노멀 타입의 포켓몬 이브이를 받는데, 이 이브이는 게임 초반부 주인공과의 배틀 결과에 따라서 세 가지 다른 타입 중 하나로 진화하게 된다.

포켓몬 체육관[편집]

포켓몬 체육관은 포켓몬 세계 곳곳에 위치한 건물로, 포켓몬 트레이너가 포켓몬 리그 시합에 참가할 수 있는 자격을 얻기 위해 훈련이나 경쟁을 할 수 있는 장소이다. 각 포켓몬 체육관의 내부 구성은 다양하지만, 모두 한 타입의 포켓몬만을 전문으로 다루며, 보스와 다름없는 강력한 트레이너인 체육관 관장이 운영하고 있다. 포켓몬 체육관은 포켓몬 세계의 대부분의 도시와 마을에서 찾을 수 있다.

공식 체육관 관장이 패배하면 도전자는 트레이너가 가진 능력을 증명하고 줄거리를 진행시키는 열쇠인 배지를 얻을 수 있다. 첫 작품(적, 녹, 피카츄)의 체육관 관장은 웅, 이슬, 마티스, 민화, 독수, 초련, 강연, 비주기 순으로 등장한다. 승리한 도전자는 포켓몬에게 가르칠 수 있는 특수한 기술 머신을 얻을 수 있으며, 일정 레벨 이하의 교환한 포켓몬을 다룰 수 있게 된다(일정 레벨을 초과한 교환 포켓몬은 플레이어의 명령에 복종하지 않는다). 또한, 플레이어가 물을 건널 수 있는 파도타기나 길을 막은 나무를 없앨 수 있는 풀베기처럼 다양한 비전 머신 기술 중 하나를 필드에서 사용할 수 있게 된다. 포켓몬 리그 참가 자격을 얻기 위해서 트레이너는 반드시 여덟 개의 배지를 모아야 한다. 비디오 게임에서는 오직 여덟 개의 체육관이 있지만 애니메이션에서는 다른 체육관도 존재한다.

플레이어가 체육관 관장 여덟 명에게 모두 승리하면 게임의 포켓몬 리그로 이동하여 사천왕과 배틀할 수 있으며, 이후 포켓몬 리그 챔피언과의 대결에서 이기면 궁극적으로 게임에서 승리하게 된다.

포켓몬 배틀[편집]

파일:Pokémon FireRed first battle.png
In a battle scene in Pokémon FireRed Version, the Pokémon at the top right of the screen is the opponent's; the Pokémon at the bottom left is the player's. The player's options are shown at the bottom right.

포켓몬 간의 배틀은 《포켓몬스터》 비디오 게임 시리즈의 가장 핵심적인 요소이다. 포켓몬 배틀에서는 포켓몬을 강하게 만들고 게임의 목표에 도달하기 위해 훈련된 포켓몬을 이용한다. 케이블 연결이나 무선 기술을 통해 플레이어 간의 배틀도 가능하다.

《포켓몬스터》는 턴제 시스템을 사용한다. 플레이어가 트레이너에게 도전하거나 야생 포켓몬과 마주치면 화면이 상대 포켓몬을 비추는 배틀 장면으로 바뀌고, 각각의 HP 막대와 선택 메뉴가 표시된다. 플레이어는 언제든지 자신이 잡은 포켓몬 중 최대 여섯 마리의 포켓몬을 휴대하여 파티를 구성할 수 있으며, 그 중에서 선두에 있는 포켓몬이 자동으로 가장 먼저 배틀에 출전한다. 각 턴이 시작하면 양쪽에서는 싸우거나, 도구를 사용하거나, 포켓몬을 교체하거나, 배틀에서 도망가기(트레이너와의 배틀에서는 도망갈 수 없다)를 선택할 수 있다. 양쪽이 싸운다를 선택하면 스피드에 따라서 선공이 결정되지만, 일부 기술, 도구, 효과는 먼저 적용될 수 있다. 양쪽이 그 외에 다른 메뉴를 선택하면 어떤 행동이든지 싸우기 전에 이루어진다.

각 포켓몬은 기술을 사용하여 상대의 HP를 0으로 만들어 쓰러뜨려야 한다. 플레이어의 포켓몬이 승리하면 경험치를 받게 되고, 충분한 경험치를 쌓으면 포켓몬의 레벨이 오르게 된다. 플레이어의 포켓몬이 쓰러지면 다른 포켓몬을 사용하여야 하며, 야생 포켓몬과의 배틀일 경우에는 도망칠 수도 있다. 플레이어의 포켓몬이 모두 쓰러져 사용할 수 있는 포켓몬이 없으면 배틀에서 패배하게 되며, 마지막으로 들렀던 포켓몬 센터로 돌아가고 소지금의 절반을 잃게 된다.[3]

포켓몬스터 루비·사파이어》에서는 각 플레이어가 한 번에 두 마리 포켓몬으로 팀 배틀을 펼치는 더블배틀이 도입되었다. 배틀의 기본 원리는 일반 배틀과 똑같지만, 여러 목표를 대상으로 하는 기술 중 일부는 상대뿐만 아니라 같은 편에게도 효과가 적용될 수 있다. 또한, 일부 특성은 더블배틀에서만 적용된다. 3세대 게임에서는 다른 트레이너와만 더블배틀을 할 수 있었지만, 《디아루가·펄기아》에서는 플레이어가 NPC와 동행할 경우 야생 포켓몬과 더블배틀을 할 수 있다. 《블랙·화이트》에서는 이전 세대의 제한을 없애고, 특수한 타입의 풀숲에서 야생 포켓몬이 쌍으로 등장하게 되었다.

또한, 블랙·화이트에서는 트리플배틀과[4] 로테이션배틀이 도입되었다.[5] 트리플배틀에서 양쪽은 한 번에 세 마리의 포켓몬을 내보낸다. 왼쪽에 있는 포켓몬은 상대 진영에서 오른쪽에 있는 포켓몬을 제외한 모든 포켓몬을 공격할 수 있으며, 그 반대의 경우도 마찬가지이다. 로테이션배틀에서는 양쪽이 한 번에 세 마리 포켓몬을 내보내지만 한 턴에 가운데 한 마리의 포켓몬만 사용할 수 있다. 이 포켓몬은 턴을 소모하지 않고 다른 두 마리 중 한 마리로 계속 교체할 수 있다.

포켓몬 타입[편집]

현존하는 포켓몬의 18개 타입(포켓몬스터 X·Y 기준)과 각 타입 간의 상성을 표시한 표.

포켓몬의 타입은 각 포켓몬과 그들이 가진 기술의 강함과 약함을 결정짓는 기본적인 속성으로, 서로가 가위바위보 관계로 상쇄된다. 게임의 주요한 상성 관계의 예는 풀, 불꽃, 물 타입으로, 풀은 불꽃에 약하고, 불꽃은 물에 약하고, 물은 풀에 약해 각 타입의 약점이 서로 물고 물린다. 포켓몬의 상성 관계에는 무효도 존재하여, 고스트 타입은 노말과 격투 타입의 기술을 무효화한다. 이러한 약점, 내성, 무효는 포켓몬이 두 가지 타입을 가졌다면 결합이 될 수도 있다. 예를 들어 땅과 비행 타입을 가진 포켓몬은 비행 타입의 약점인 전기 기술을 땅 타입을 가지고 있기 때문에 무효화한다. 그러나, 땅과 비행이 모두 얼음에 약점을 가지기 때문에 얼음 기술에는 이중의 약점을 가지게 되어 네 배의 대미지를 받게 된다. 일부 포켓몬 특성은 이러한 상호 작용을 바꿀 수 있는데, 예를 들어 부유는 포켓몬이 땅 타입 기술을 무효화할 수 있게 만든다.

《적》, 《녹》, 《청》, 《피카츄》 게임에서는 위에서 예시로 든 타입들과 함께 독, 에스퍼, 벌레, 바위, 드래곤을 합해 모두 15개의 포켓몬 타입이 있다. 《금》과 《은》에서 새로운 두 타입 악과 강철이 추가되어 이후 14년간 총 17개의 타입이 되었다. 게임에서 저주 기술]은 《블랙》과 《화이트》에서 고스트 타입 기술로 바뀌기 전까지 알려지지 않은 타입("???" 타입)을 가지고 있었다. 콘솔 RPG 《콜로세움》과 《XD》에는 다크라고 부르는 특이한 기술 타입이 있으나, 이 콘솔 게임들 이외에는 쓰이지 않는다. 《포켓몬스터 XD》에서 다크 기술은 다크 포켓몬이 아닌 포켓몬에게 굉장한 효과를 주며, 다크 포켓몬에게는 별로인 효과를 준다. 《X》와 《Y》에서는 새로운 18번째 타입 페어리를 도입하였다. 이 타입은 격투, 드래곤, 악에 두 배의 강점을 가지며, 불꽃, 독, 강철에 절반이 반감한다. 격투, 벌레, 악은 페어리에 절반이 반감하며, 독과 강철은 두 배의 강점을 가진다. 또한, 《포켓몬스터 X·Y》부터 악과 고스트 타입은 강철 타입 공격에 대한 반감이 사라졌다.

포켓몬 기술[편집]

많은 롤플레잉 비디오 게임의 등장인물들처럼 포켓몬도 다양한 종류의 기술을 배우고 사용할 수 있다. 이 기술들은 대미지를 입히거나, 상태이상을 일으키거나, 체력을 회복하거나, 배틀 전체에 영향을 주는 행동을 취할 수 있다. 모든 기술은 타입, 위력, 명중률, 파워 포인트(PP)를 가지고 있다. 한 포켓몬이 배울 수 있는 기술은 포켓몬의 종류에 따라 달라지며, 진화 이후에 배우는 기술도 진화 이전에 배울 수 있는 기술과 완전히 똑같지 않다. 각 포켓몬은 어떤 경우든지 한 번에 최대 네 개의 기술을 사용할 수 있다. 기술은 레벨 업, 기술머신과 비전머신 사용, 가르침기술(NPC가 가르치는 기술)을 통해 배울 수 있다.

각 기술은 18 가지 포켓몬 타입으로 분류한다. 기술의 효과는 목표 포켓몬의 타입과 기술의 타입의 상성에 좌우된다. 이것에 따라서 "효과가 굉장했다!"(두 배 대미지), "효과가 별로인 듯하다..." (절반 대미지), "효과가 없는 것 같다..."(대미지와 모든 효과 없음)라는 메시지가 표시된다. 포켓몬과 같은 타입의 기술을 사용하면 절반의 대미지를 추가로 입힐 수 있으며, 이것을 게임 용어로 "자신 속성 보정"(자속보정)이라고 부른다. 기술은 "물리"나 "특수" 중 하나로도 구분되는데, 이는 기술의 묘사에 따라 결정된다. 물리 기술은 펀치나 물기처럼 상대에게 직접 물리적으로 접촉하는 기술이며, 특수 기술은 일반적으로 불을 뿜거나 바람을 다루는 것처럼 원소를 조종하는 것을 뜻한다. 《디아루가·펄기아》 게임 이전까지는 포켓몬 타입 전체가 개별 기술에 상관없이 "물리" 혹은 "특수"로 구분되었다. 기술의 세기는 각 포켓몬이 갖는 능력치에 따라 달라진다. 또한, "변화기술"은 직접적인 대미지를 주지는 않지만 자기 진영이나 상대 진영의 포켓몬의 능력치를 변화시킨다. 《블랙·화이트》 이전까지 존재했던 "???" 타입은 17개의 타입 중 하나로 재분류되었다. "접촉"은 대부분의 물리 기술과 일부 특수 기술에 있는 개념으로, 일부 특성, 소지품, "니들가드"와 "킹실드"의 영향을 받는다. 대미지를 주는 기술은 목표 포켓몬의 약점, 저항, 능력치를 바탕으로 일정 헬스 포인트를 없앨 수 있으며, 양쪽 포켓몬이 가지고 있는 도구특성이 요인이 되기도 한다.

각 기술은 목표 포켓몬에 맞출 수 있는 기회를 결정하는 특정한 명중률이 있으며, 사용 포켓몬의 명중률과 목표 포켓몬의 회피율도 함께 영향을 준다. 상대를 한 방에 쓰러뜨릴 수 있는 매우 강력한 기술은 매우 낮은 명중률을 가지는 경우가 흔하며, 100% 명중률을 가진 기술도 사용 포켓몬의 명중률과 목표 포켓몬의 회피율 변화 때문에 실패하기도 한다. 명중률 변화에 상관없이 반드시 목표에 맞는 기술은 매우 적다.

기술의 PP(파워 포인트)는 포켓몬이 기술을 얼마나 많이 사용할 수 있는지를 나타낸다. 강력한 기술은 명중률과 마찬가지로 낮은 양의 PP를 가지고 있는 경우가 흔하다. 포켓몬이 한 기술의 PP를 전부 사용하면 더 이상 그 기술을 사용할 수 없으며, 배우고 있는 모든 기술의 PP를 전부 사용하면 "발버둥"이라는 기술을 대신 사용한다. 1세대 게임에서는 NPC 트레이너가 조종하는 포켓몬이 PP를 소모하지 않아 강력한 기술을 비정상적으로 많이 사용할 수 있었다.

대미지를 입힐 뿐만 아니라 특수한 효과를 가진 기술도 많다. 이러한 부차적인 효과들은 기술을 통해 독이나 얼음, 마비, 맹독, 잠듦, 화상과 같은 "상태이상"을 걸리게 할 수 있다. 배틀에서는 각각의 상태이상에 따라 그것에 걸린 포켓몬의 행동에 영향을 준다. 예를 들어, 전기 타입 기술에는 일정 확률로 목표가 마비에 걸리게 할 수 있는 기술이 많다. 일부 기술은 사용하기 전이나 후에 턴을 기다리게 만드는 것처럼 부정적인 부가 효과를 가지고 있기도 하다. 튀어오르기는 대미지를 입히지도 않고 능력치를 변화시키지도 않는 기술이다.

필드에서 사용하여 작은 나무와 같은 장애물을 없애거나, 이전에 갔던 장소를 빠르게 여행할 수 있거나, 던전이나 동굴을 탈출할 수 있거나, 포켓몬을 치료할 수 있는 기술들도 있다. 이러한 기술들은 대개 비전머신을 사용해 익힌 다음 특정한 배지를 획득한 이후에 사용할 수 있게 된다.

포켓몬 특성[편집]

Pokémon 틀:Nihongo4 are special attributes which were introduced in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. Specific species of Pokémon have one to three possible Abilities with individual Pokémon exhibiting one Ability each, which, unlike the moves it knows, can never change (except sometimes during evolution).

Most Pokémon use their Abilities in battle. Abilities can strengthen a Pokémon's own statistics or weaken a foe, inflict status effects such as paralysis or poisoning, or perform one of many other effects. For instance, a Bulbasaur uses its Overgrow Ability to power up its Grass-Type attacks when it has low HP, and when Arbok is sent into battle, it will use its Intimidate Ability to lower the opposing Pokémon's Attack statistic. Other Abilities render some Pokémon impervious to certain Types of attacks, such as the Levitate Ability rendering a Pokémon like Carnivine immune to Ground-Type attacks. Some Abilities also grant immunities or resistances, such as Lapras' Water Absorb restoring its own HP when hit by Water-Type attacks or Arcanine's Flash Fire negating Fire-Type attacks and boosting the power of its own attacks once hit. A Pokémon with the Lightning Rod Ability, such as Marowak, will keep its partner safe from Electric-Type attacks in a double battle by drawing the electricity away from it. Not all Abilities are helpful and may be implemented to hinder a Pokémon. For example, Slaking, which would otherwise be extraordinarily powerful, has the Truant Ability, which only allows it to attack every other turn.

Some Abilities come into effect outside of Pokémon battles. For example, Pokémon with the Pickup Ability, like Meowth, will sometimes retrieve items off the ground. Also, starting from Pokémon Emerald, a handful of Abilities that were once only used in battle have effects outside of battle as well. For example, a Pokémon with the Ability Intimidate will cause the player to encounter lower-level wild Pokémon less often.[6]

Pokémon Black and White introduced Hidden Abilities, which initially could only be found on Pokémon primarily acquired from the Internet-based Pokémon Global Link, either through the Pokémon Dream World feature or through promotional releases. There are also rare instances of Pokémon with their Hidden Abilities available in the main game, either as a special encounter or as an in-game Trade with an NPC. Black 2 and White 2 introduced the game mechanic of 틀:Nihongo4; special trees dotted around the Unova region can be interacted with, and once inside the player might find either an item or more rarely a Pokémon that has its Hidden Ability. Some other Pokémon in Black 2 and White 2 are also obtainable with their Hidden Abilities, but they are also special encounters. In addition, the Pokémon Dream Radar 3DS Download Software game released to accompany Black 2 and White 2 enables for the capture of Pokémon with their Hidden Abilities that can be transferred to the main games.


모든 포켓몬은 배틀의 행동에 영향을 주는 HP, 공격, 방어, 특수공격, 특수방어, 스피드, 총 여섯 종류의 능력치를 가지고 있다. 1세대 게임에서는 특수공격과 특수방어가 특수라는 하나의 능력치로 결합되어 있었다.

  • HP (헬스 포인트): 포켓몬은 HP가 0이 되면 쓰러지며, 포켓몬 센터에서 부활하거나 특별한 도구를 쓰지 않으면 배틀에서 사용할 수 없게 된다. 포켓몬 세계에서 포켓몬은 절대 배틀의 결과로 인해 죽지 않는다.
  • 공격: 포켓몬의 물리 공격의 세기를 결정한다. 물리 공격 기준에 대한 정의는 게임 역사에 걸쳐 계속해서 바뀌었다. 3세대 게임까지 물리 공격은 노말, 격투, 땅, 강철 등 물리 대미지와 연관된 타입의 기술에 따라서 결정되었다. 그러나 디아루가 펄기아부터는 각 대미지 공격이 물리나 특수 공격으로 제각각 분류되었다. 예를 들어 불꽃 타입 기술인 불꽃 펀치는 이전에는 특수 공격이었으나 지금은 공격 능력치의 영향을 받는 물리 공격이 되었다.
  • 방어: 포켓몬이 물리 공격을 받았을 때의 방어를 결정한다.
  • 특수공격: 공격과 비슷하게, 포켓몬의 특수 공격의 세기를 결정한다.
  • 특수방어: 방어와 비슷하게, 포켓몬이 특수 공격을 받았을 때의 방어를 결정한다.
  • 스피드: 배틀 명령이 입력된 후, 스피드 능력치에 따라서 포켓몬의 행동 우위가 결정된다. 순서가 정해진 일부 기술의 경우에는 포켓몬이 가장 빠른 기술에서 가장 느린 기술 순으로 사용한다.

이밖에도 포켓몬의 레벨 업의 영향을 받지 않는 명중률과 회피율이라는 능력치가 있다. 원래부터 높은 명중률이나 회피율을 가진 포켓몬은 없지만, 특성, 도구, 기술을 통해서 능력치를 조절할 수 있다. 명중률을 증가시키면 기술을 맞추기 쉬워지고, 회피율을 증가시키면 상대 포켓몬의 기술을 피하기 쉬워진다. 포켓몬의 명중률과 상대 포켓몬의 회피율, 기술 자체의 명중률이 기술을 맞추는 것에 영향을 준다.

능력치만 배틀에 영향을 주는 것이 아니라, 배틀도 능력치에 영향을 줄 수 있다. 많은 포켓몬 기술과 도구를 통해 포켓몬의 능력치 중 하나를 일시적으로, 또는 영구적으로 높이거나 낮출 수 있다.

포켓몬이 레벨 업하면 포켓몬의 종족값, 노력치, 성격, 개체값에 따라서 능력치가 증가한다. 이렇게 다양한 값이 어우러져 능력치가 다변하는 원리에 의해 포켓몬 각각이 고유의 능력치를 가지게 된다.


Base stat values determine the natural statistical strengths of the various Pokémon species. Every Pokémon is assigned a number in each stat; the higher the number, the higher the stat can potentially be. While these values may greatly vary between species, they are the same for each member of that species. It is the difference among species which explains why all Aerodactyl will have a higher Speed than any Snorlax of the same level; however, it is the combination of other factors that causes some Snorlax to be faster than others. Adding up all the base stat values for a certain species generates the Base Stat Total, which players use to determine approximately how strong that Pokémon is.


Effort values (EVs) are hidden values that affect the strengths of a Pokémon in particular statistical areas. Differing effort value levels between two Pokémon can create a significant difference in the two Pokémon's statistical strengths. When a Pokémon battles and defeats an opponent, they gain experience points, also known as EXP, and also receive a number and type of EVs according to the defeated Pokémon's species. Every defeated Pokémon gives at least one EV to each of the Pokémon that fought it. Certain factors, like holding the Macho Brace item, can increase the rate at which EVs are gained in battle. In addition, consuming vitamins will give Pokémon EVs; however, Pokémon will refuse vitamins after reaching a certain value threshold. Certain berries also exist which increase a Pokémon's Loyalty, but in turn decrease EVs. There is a limit on the number of EVs Pokémon can have, both for each individual stats and combined across all stats, which prevents stats from increasing in a never-ending manner. The total limit allows for maximum Effort Values in two stats simultaneously.

In the first (Red, Blue, Yellow) and second (Gold, Silver, Crystal) generation games, a similar system usually referred to as Stat Exp. was used. As with Effort Values, there is a limit to how much Stat Exp. a Pokémon can have in each stat; however, unlike Effort Values, there is no limit to the total Stat Exp. a Pokémon can have across all stats, meaning that a Pokémon can have maximum Stat Exp. in every stat. Also of note is that, in order for Pokémon from the first generation (where there was only one Special stat) and the second generation (where there are both Special Attack and Special Defense stats) to be forward and backward compatible for trading, Stat Exp. was not tracked separately for Special Attack and Special Defense in the second generation games. Instead, the Special Stat Exp. value was used to calculate both separated Special stats.


Pokémon natures were first introduced in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. Each Pokémon has a nature, randomly assigned when it is generated, which cannot be changed. A Pokémon's nature affects the rate at which some of its stats increase: out of the twenty-five possible natures, twenty will increase one stat's growth rate but decrease another's. The other five modify the same stat in both increases and decreases, and thus the Pokémon's overall growth is unaffected. Natures also determine which flavor of PokéBlocks/Poffins that Pokémon likes and dislikes.


Individual values (IVs) are essentially a range in power for each statistic, which determine a Pokémon's maximum potential. These values are randomly generated along with each Pokémon when it is encountered or bred, and set in stone for the rest of the game. These hidden values are why even Pokémon that seem identical and have been raised the same way still may have different stats.


Throughout the games, players will collect many different types of items. The vast majority of these are stored in the player's inventory or PC.

Recovery items[편집]

Many items received in the game are used to heal Pokémon in and out of battle, much like a Pokémon Center does. HP-recovery items include an array of potions. Status recovery items include Antidotes (to cure poisoning), Awakenings (to wake Pokémon up), Paralyz Heals (to cure paralysis), Ice Heals (to defrost a frozen solid Pokémon), Burn Heals (to cure a burn), and Full Heals (which heal all status conditions). Revives restore a Pokémon's HP to half of the maximum, but only if it is currently fainted. The more powerful Max Revive fully restores a fainted Pokémon's HP. The Sacred Ash is a rare item that fully revives all fainted Pokémon in the player's party. PP-recovery items include Ethers and Elixirs; unlike other recovery items, these cannot be bought at shops. They may be found while exploring, or with the Ability Pickup.

기술머신과 비전머신[편집]

Technical Machines (TMs) and Hidden Machines (HMs) can be used to teach moves to Pokémon. TMs are commonly found in the wild and in shops, but up until the fifth generation could only be used once. HMs are very rare and can be used outside of battle when a certain Gym Leader's badge has been acquired, but can be used as many times as desired. HMs are often vital to game progression as they have important overworld effects. For example, Pokémon who learn the HM move "Surf" can transport the protagonist over the sea, which is necessary to reach island cities. When a Pokémon learns an HM move the move cannot be deleted or replaced, unless taken to a specific NPC, who deletes moves, called a Move Deleter.

Key Items[편집]

Key Items are rarer than regular items and are usually given to the player rather than found. These include fishing rods which are used to find water-dwelling Pokémon, a bicycle which allows the protagonist to move around faster, a dowsing machine, and keys which open locked doors leading to important areas. These items cannot be thrown away, sold, or given to a Pokémon.

Holding items[편집]

Starting with Pokémon Gold and Silver, each Pokémon is able to hold a single item. Items carried by Pokémon can do a range of things; berries can be consumed by the Pokémon during battle to restore health or boost stats, while other held items can enhance the offensive or defensive power of a Pokémon. Some items will cause a Pokémon to evolve, and also holding an item while trading to another player can make the Pokémon evolve with the items help or evolve in general trading. Pokémon Diamond and Pearl introduced items that cause evolution if another condition is met. However, most items have no effect at all when held, and some items, such as Hidden Machines and Key Items, cannot be held.

포켓몬 포획[편집]

Because each player begins the game with only one starter Pokémon, capturing is one of the most fundamental aspects of Pokémon, and the primary method of recruiting new Pokémon to the player's party.

In a battle against a wild Pokémon, the player may, instead of defeating it, choose to capture it by using (“throwing”) one of many different types of Poké Balls. The odds of success vary, but are increased if the target Pokémon's HP is low, if the target is affected by a status-altering effect like sleep or paralysis, and if a stronger or specially-suited Poké Ball is used.

If the capture is successful, the captured Pokémon's data is added to the Pokédex, the player may give the Pokémon a nickname, and the Pokémon is added to the player's party. However, if the player's party is filled to its maximum of six Pokémon, the captured Pokémon is instead sent to one of many boxes accessible via PC. In the first and second generation games, if the current PC box is full, the player will be unable to capture any new Pokémon until he or she accesses a PC and switches to a different box. In all other versions, new Pokémon are transferred to the next available box.


틀:Redirect3 The Poké Ball (Monster Ball (モンスターボール, Monsutābōru) in original Japanese language versions) is a spherical device used by Pokémon Trainers to capture wild Pokémon and store them when not active. Upon contact, the balls convert a Pokémon into energy, draw it inside, and close automatically. Wild Pokémon are able to resist and break free; however, weakened Pokémon and Pokémon with status conditions are less able to struggle and therefore more easily captured. Legendary Pokémon will resist being caught much easier, and will often require many Poké Balls or more powerful Poké Balls in order to catch them. If the player attempts to capture a non-player character's Pokémon, the opponent will block the Ball to prevent its theft.

As depicted in the anime and manga series, the Poké Ball, when not in use, is the size of a golf ball and, with a press of the central button, enlarges to the size of a baseball. The Pokémon is released for battle by throwing the ball; when retrieving a Pokémon, a beam of red light converts the Pokémon into energy to reclaim it. Poké Balls are explained as being incredibly comfortable for Pokémon, so much that they would willingly enter one without any sort of encouragement.[7] The Pokémon Voltorb, Electrode, Foongus, and Amoonguss are often mistaken for Poké Balls, due to their shape and color schemes which highly resemble Poké Balls.

Various types of Poké Balls exist. Introduced in Pokémon Red and Blue, are, in order of progressing strength, the Poké Ball, Great Ball (Super Ball (スーパーボール, Sūpā Bōru) in Japan), Ultra Ball (Hyper Ball (ハイパーボール, Haipā Bōru) in Japan), and the Master Ball (マスターボール, Masutā Bōru), which has a 100% success rate against any Pokémon that can be captured, and of which typically only one is available in the game. In Pokémon Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold and SoulSilver, there are fruits called Apricorns, which, when given to a certain character, make one of seven special types of Poké Balls, depending on the Apricorn's color. The seven kinds of Poké Ball (and apricorn) are Level (Red), Moon (Yellow), Lure (Blue), Friend (Green), Love (Pink), Fast (White), and Heavy (Black). Beginning in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, other specialized balls appear, including the Timer Ball, which becomes more effective as the battle progresses, the Net Ball, which has a better chance of catching Water- and Bug-type Pokémon, and the Dusk Ball, which is most effective at night or inside caves, among others. In addition, in several games there exists an area called the Safari Zone in which only Safari Balls can be used; these cannot be used elsewhere in the game.

In the Nintendo GameCube RPGs, Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, the player is able to capture non-player character Pokémon through the use of the Snag Machine which turns Poké Balls into Snag Balls. Snag Balls are capable of capturing any Pokémon (with the same strength limitations as the standard Poké, Great, Ultra, and Master Balls), and they are developed by the antagonists to steal Pokémon where they are not common in the wild. Snag Balls can also be used by the player to capture the specific Shadow Pokémon who have been tainted by the antagonist group and that the player is required to purify for game completion.

UGO.com listed the Poké Ball eighteenth on their list of "Our 50 Favorite Video Game Power-ups" citing how everybody runs to get it in the Super Smash Bros. series.[8]

포켓몬 도감[편집]

The Pokédex (ポケモン図鑑, Pokemon Zukan, lit. "Pokémon Encyclopedia") is an electronic device designed to catalog and provide information regarding the various species of Pokémon. The name Pokédex is a portmanteau of Pokémon and index.[9] In the video games, whenever a Pokémon is first captured, its height, weight, species type, and a short description will be added to a player's Pokédex. Each region has its own Pokédex, which differ in looks, species of Pokémon catalogued, and capabilities such as the ability to sort the list of Pokémon based on alphabetical order, or display the Pokémon's height compared to the player character. The "National Dex" allows all Pokémon from other regions to be catalogued.

In the anime, the Pokédex acts as a portable reference tool, able to give information about a certain species of Pokémon even if a trainer has not seen or caught it before. It can also give detailed descriptions of various trainer tools, and it acts as a form of identification. The Kanto and Johto versions of the Pokédex are nicknamed Dexter and voiced by Shinichiro Miki in Japan, Eric Stuart in the 4Kids English dub, and Bill Rogers in the Pokémon USA English dub. The Hoenn and Sinnoh versions are named Dextette and voiced by Megumi Hayashibara (Hoenn) and Tomoko Kawakami (Sinnoh) in Japan, Rachael Lillis in the 4Kids English dub, and Michelle Knotz in the Pokémon USA English dub. The Unova Pokédex is voiced by Unshō Ishizuka in Japanese, and by Marc Thompson in English.

포켓몬 진화[편집]

파일:Pokemon evolution.png
A series of screenshots depicting Abra evolving into Kadabra in Pokémon Emerald.

Evolution (進化, shinka) is a sudden change in form of a Pokémon, more akin to a metamorphosis than actual evolution, and is usually accompanied by an increase in stat values. The player can choose to halt evolution at any time before the animation is finished (only by level up), simply by pressing the B button, unless the evolution was purposely initiated using an evolutionary stone. Evolution can occur in Pokémon for several different reasons, the most common of which is gaining enough battle experience. There are many other factors that can determine if, when, and into what, different Pokémon will evolve. The original alternate methods were the use of an item called an Evolution Stone or by trading the Pokémon to another player. Later methods of evolution put into the games include dependence on the Pokémon's Happiness, the time of day in the game, carrying a unique item while being traded, the gender, the area in the game where the Pokémon levels up, having a separate specific Pokémon in the player's party, or trading for a specific Pokémon.

The Pokémon Trading Card Game introduced the idea of numerical stages for referring to different points in a Pokémon's evolution. This has translated into colloquial usage among fans of the games. All Pokémon can be placed at one of four evolutionary stages (though no existing Pokémon line includes more than three out of the four stages): Basic Pokémon, Stage 1 Pokémon which evolve from Basic Pokémon, Stage 2 Pokémon which evolve from Stage 1 Pokémon, and Baby Pokémon which are acquired by breeding certain Basic or Stage 1 Pokémon and hatching their eggs. A Pokémon higher up on this evolutionary scale is called an evolved form of the previous stages; a Pokémon lower down on the scale is said to be a pre-evolved form of later Pokémon in the chain. In general, the lower the evolutionary stage that the Pokémon is, the faster it will learn moves.


Happiness (also referred to as friendship) is an attribute that can rise or fall based upon several conditions and events. This aspect, introduced in Pokémon Yellow, was what determined Pikachu's stat growth and affected the outcome of certain NPC events (such as receiving Bulbasaur in Cerulean City). In Pokémon Gold and Silver it is a means to evolve several Pokémon with the focus on taking care of the Pokémon, rather than merely worrying about it leveling up. When a Pokémon like Chansey or Golbat has a very high Happiness, it will evolve after the next time it levels up. Also, most baby Pokémon (itself a mechanic introduced in Gold and Silver) evolve by leveling up with a certain Happiness rating. To further exploit this mechanic, two moves base their Power upon the amount the Pokémon either likes or dislikes its trainer—Return and Frustration. In addition, there are several cheap restorative items that "have a bitter taste" and will lower the Pokémon's Happiness, as well as several berries that lower a stat but raise Happiness.

희귀 포켓몬[편집]

전설 포켓몬[편집]

"Legendary Pokémon" (伝説のポケモン, Densetsu no Pokemon) is a term of art; a Legendary is not simply an individual Pokémon about which legends are written, but differs from regular Pokémon in key ways. Currently the group is distinguished by being the only one member of its given species which can be captured per game. Since the Gold and Silver versions of the games (with the exception of FireRed and LeafGreen), the main series' game package features one Legendary, usually the Pokémon which involved most in main storyline in that game. Legendaries are also exceptionally powerful, extremely difficult to capture, unable to reproduce through breeding, and not part of an evolutionary chain. Certain Legendary Pokémon colloquially termed "Runners" or "Roaming Pokémon" randomly move around the world map and flee from battle, making them even harder to obtain.

"Illusory Pokémon" (幻のポケモン, Maboroshi no Pokemon) are a subset of Legendary Pokémon that consist of Pokémon that cannot be obtained through standard gameplay without the intervention of an external mechanic. These Pokémon are usually placed at the end of their respective games' Pokédex and can only be obtained through events set up by Nintendo. The first of these Illusory Pokémon was Mew, who was programmed into the Red and Green games as a secret character by one of the programmers without any knowledge of the other members of the development team, and was not announced until several months after the games' release in a special promotion. Since then, the games have continued to feature Pokémon that cannot be obtained through standard gameplay, but the programming that allow their capture within the games can be activated by special items (or other Pokémon) given out by Nintendo. The first of these such items was the GS Ball in Crystal, which was distributed to players in Japan through the mobile phone connector, allowing them to encounter Celebi.

빛나는 포켓몬[편집]

The player finds a shiny Zubat in Pokémon FireRed Version.

Palette swapped Pokémon, initially referred to by players as "shiny" Pokémon, were first introduced in Gold and Silver as a way to demonstrate the new color-capabilities of the Game Boy Color system. Encountering a shiny Pokémon is extremely rare; the probability of encountering one is 1 in 8,192. The one major exception to this rule is the Red Gyarados present in the Lake of Rage in Pokémon Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold, and SoulSilver. Also, in Crystal, an Egg given to players by the Day-Care people has a 50% chance of hatching a shiny Pokémon in the Japanese version, and 12.5% in other languages. There are various other ways of increasing the chance of getting a shiny Pokémon. In second-generation games, breeding a shiny Pokémon with a regular Pokémon has a higher chance (1 in 64) of producing a shiny Pokémon. In Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, the Poké Radar can be used to "chain" Pokémon of the same species, improving the odds of a shiny Pokémon with each link (up to 40 links, when the odds are 1 in 200).

Shiny Pokémon are not necessarily better than regular Pokémon, although in Gold, Silver, and Crystal, they have better-than-average individual values. In the third generation, however, "shininess" is determined by another value, and shiny Pokémon are not stronger than any other Pokémon in battle. Most fans consider shiny Pokémon to be collectors' items since they are so rare.

The term "shiny" was initially a term invented by the Pokémon fan community due to the flash of stars appearing as the Pokémon enters a battle, implying a sheen or crystalline property to the colors of the Pokémon. Since first-generation games do not recognize shiny Pokémon, there is no distinction unless the Pokémon is traded to a later version. The term "shiny Pokémon" was not officially acknowledged in English games until two lines of NPC dialogue in Pokémon Black and White, but it has been used in the anime and in a few strategy guides before this. It also was a widely-used slang term in Japan, existing as the word 틀:Nihongo3; Ken Sugimori uses hikaru in the title of a piece of artwork featuring a shiny Charizard. The alternate term "Alt. Color" (色違い, Iro Chigai) appears among the options the player can choose when filling out forms in the third generation of games.

Shiny Pokémon have also appeared in the anime, such as the aforementioned red Gyarados, a Swellow, a Noctowl (which protagonist Ash Ketchum has captured), and a Magneton. A pink-colored Butterfree was also featured in an episode of the first season of the anime, but this alternate coloration is not what appears in the subsequent games where the shiny feature has been implemented.


Pokémon trades[편집]

The game link port is located above the volume control on the classic Game Boy handheld system.

Trading is an important aspect to the Pokémon games, being the crux upon which much of the franchise is based. This is because the slogan, and consequently the goal, “Gotta Catch ‘Em All,” is logistically impossible without trading. Each game released in a generation has certain Pokémon that are exclusive to that version. For example, in Pokémon Red players can catch the Pokémon Arbok, while it is absent in the wild in both Pokémon Blue and Pokémon Yellow. Other Pokémon are only available when offered up as a choice. The most obvious example is the choice between three starter Pokémon at the beginning of the game. The only way to get the other two is by trading. Another aspect of trading, in-game trades with NPCs, allows players to acquire Pokémon otherwise unavailable. For example, the only way to get a Jynx in Pokémon Red and Blue (other than trading with another cartridge) is through an in-game trade. The other way that trading is made instrumental in gameplay is that many Pokémon, like Haunter and Machoke, cannot evolve into their final forms without being traded. Gold and Silver built upon this idea with the advent of holding items; some Pokémon only evolve when given certain items to be held and then trading them. Pokémon that previously did not evolve could now become more powerful, like Onix and Scyther, which starting from the second generation games evolves into Steelix and Scizor (respectively) by holding the item "Metal Coat" and being traded. Black and White introduced a new mechanic where two Pokémon (Karrablast and Shelmet) can only evolve (into Escavalier and Accelgor respectively) when one is traded for the other.

Before the concept of breeding was introduced, players would sometimes have to settle for merely trading Pokémon back and forth between cartridges. This was because certain Pokémon a player owned (e.g. the starters) were often the only one they had. The game's Pokédex does not monitor whether a player still owned a specific Pokémon, only whether they had ever owned it.

Trading between games on the Game Boy and related systems is accomplished through a Game Link cable that attaches to ports found on all Game Boy incarnations. The size of the ports varies between consoles, so several hybrid cables have been created that allow, for example, linking between the original Game Boy and the Game Boy Color. Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen include a special wireless dongle which plugs into the game link port for local wireless communication. On the Nintendo DS, DS Wireless Communications is used instead.[10] Diamond and Pearl also introduced the Global Trade Station (or GTS), a place where people all around the world may trade Pokémon using the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. In the GTS hall, the player can input their own location and pinpoint the locations of other players they have interacted with. The Nintendo WFC records this data when they trade successfully with someone over the GTS or in their Pal Pad.[11]

Mystery Gift[편집]

Mystery Gift, a means by which players can receive items from other people, was introduced in Pokémon Gold and Silver and has appeared in every handheld Pokémon game since. To use Mystery Gift, the feature must first be activated in a specific way.

In Gold, Silver, and Crystal, if two players line up the infrared ports on their Game Boy Color units and activate Mystery Gift from the intro menu, each will receive an item. This process also sends a record of each player's party Pokémon to the other player's game for a daily event in Viridan City in which they can battle the other player's Pokémon (controlled by the computer). Players can use Mystery Gift an unlimited number of times, but only once per day with each person. In addition, a player of Pokémon Stadium 2 with a Gold, Silver, or Crystal cartridge plugged into the Transfer Pak can use Mystery Gift with a girl in White City. A Mystery Gift can also be received by connecting with a Pocket Pikachu 2 GS.

In Ruby and Sapphire, Mystery Gift is replaced with Mystery Event. This feature utilizes the now defunct e-reader accessory. Using special e-cards the player could obtain special items such as rare berries or the Eon Ticket. In FireRed, LeafGreen, and Emerald, Mystery Gift is a means to obtain special items at Nintendo's promotional events (through the use of the Wireless Adapter), which allow the player to catch otherwise unobtainable Pokémon, such as Mew and Deoxys. As of Saturday June 2nd, 2012, the most recent of these Mystery Gifts is Darkrai.

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl expanded Mystery Gift to include a variety of transferring options. After enabling Mystery Gift, players may obtain items via wireless or Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, and may also transfer them to friends. Wireless connection also allows the player to transfer items from Pokémon Battle Revolution. Currently, Mystery Gift via Nintendo WFC has only been implemented in Pokémon Platinum and Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver. However, this was changed when the shiny Pichu was distributed to all version games via WFC. Also, with the creation of the Pokéwalker, in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, came another way to Mystery Gift. By pressing the connect button on two Pokéwalkers and pointing them at each other, both Pokéwalkers will receive an item, which the player will receive upon connecting with his or her game.

Pokémon breeding[편집]

Pokémon breeding was introduced in Pokémon Gold and Silver. Pokémon can be bred in-game at a Daycare Center. These are businesses generally run by an elderly person or couple (NPCs), which raise Pokémon Trainers' Pokémon for a fee. If two compatible Pokémon are left there, they will eventually produce a Pokémon egg, which the trainer can pick up for free. After being carried by the trainer for some distance, the egg will hatch into a young Pokémon, usually of the lowest stage in its mother's evolutionary line.

Some Pokémon have pre-evolutions that are hatched from an egg. These eggs are normally obtained by breeding Pokémon caught in the wild, but sometimes are given as gifts to the player character by NPCs. Known as "Baby Pokémon", these Pokémon are unable to breed but have evolutions that can breed baby Pokémon. For new Baby Pokémon introduced after Gold and Silver, the parent can only produce these Pokémon when holding a certain item.[12]


Compatibility is usually restricted to one male and one female. In addition, Pokémon species are assigned to Egg Groups, which determines their breeding compatibility with other species. Pokémon may belong to up to two Egg Groups; in order to breed, they must share at least one Egg Group. How fast two compatible Pokémon breed depends on how well they get along (a hidden calculation based on various factors). If a Pokémon species is all-male or entirely genderless, the only way to breed it and get an egg with that Pokémon is with Ditto, a shapeshifting Pokémon, which can also breed with any other Pokémon capable of breeding. The egg produced will yield a hatchling from the non-Ditto Pokémon's evolutionary line.

A select group of species cannot breed at all, which includes most legendary Pokémon and all Baby Pokémon (Though sometimes breeding is possible by using a Ditto). This is called the "Undefined" egg group. Although some legendary Pokémon (such as Heatran and Cresselia) have genders, they still refuse to breed. An unusual circumstance involves the relation of Manaphy and Phione: Manaphy can breed with Ditto to create an egg hatching into Phione, yet Phione does not evolve into Manaphy. Manaphy itself is obtained from an egg from Pokémon Ranger games but will never breed to produce a Manaphy egg in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.


Pokémon hatched from eggs can inherit stats from their parents. The Pokémon inherits the quality ("Individual Value" or "IV") of a random number of stats (maximum of 3) from each parent, with the hatched Pokémon's other stats being random.[13]

Moves can also be inherited through breeding. Moves that a newly hatched Pokémon begins with are divided into three categories: Learned Moves, Inherited Moves, and Hereditary Moves or "Egg Moves". Learned Moves are moves that the Pokémon would have naturally at its starting level; Inherited Moves are those that the Pokémon would be able to learn at later levels or through TMs; and Hereditary Moves, inherited from the father, are those that the Pokémon would not be able to learn normally. The Pokémon can learn the move on this occasion as it receives the move from a parent of a different species. Upon birth, the young Pokémon's move slots are filled with Learned Moves. However, if there are any Inherited or Hereditary Moves available for the Pokémon to learn, they replace the Learned Moves.[13][14]

Battle facilities[편집]

In addition to the Pokémon Gyms and other battles to advance the plot, side games and post-game areas have been introduced in subsequent editions of the Pokémon games that extend the gameplay.

First introduced in Pokémon Crystal, the Battle Tower (バトルタワー, Batoru Tawā) is a game feature accessible outside of the main storyline where the player faces several trainers in succession with a limited set of their Pokémon and receive prizes in the form of otherwise rare items. The Japanese version of Crystal which had a mobile phone adapter allowed for players to challenge other players to Battle Tower fights. The next Battle Towers appear in Ruby and Sapphire, which is similar to the Crystal Battle Tower, and in Diamond and Pearl, which has a boss character and a point system similar to the Battle Frontiers.

The Battle Frontier (バトルフロンティア, Batoru Furontia) was introduced in Pokémon Emerald, replacing the Battle Tower as found in the Ruby and Sapphire games. In addition to having its own Battle Tower with the same rules as the previous ones, the Battle Frontier adds several other game mechanics that make battles unique in the end game. Examples include the Battle Palace's prohibition on choosing what moves the Pokémon uses and the Battle Factory's random rental Pokémon. Instead of prizes, the player is awarded Battle Points (BP) which can be traded for rare items or TMs. The Diamond and Pearl Battle Tower uses this same system, and it is replaced by a Battle Frontier in the Pokémon Platinum game. The HeartGold and SoulSilver games also have a Battle Frontier, identical to that of the Platinum version, where the Battle Tower was found in Crystal. After a series of battles in each venue, players encounter Frontier Brains (フロンティアブレーン, Furontia Burēn) who are challenged in the same fashion as all other battles, and the player will either earn a Symbol (シンボル, Shinboru, Emerald) or a Commemorative Print (きねんプリント, Kinen Purinto, Platinum, HeartGold, SoulSilver) for winning. The Frontier Brains can be challenged a second time to more advanced versions of the Symbols or Prints (advancing from Silver to Gold). The Frontier Brains have very powerful Pokémon, often including Legendary Pokémon, making a victory even more difficult than in the main storyline.

Emerald also features Battle Tents (バトルテント, Batoru Tento), which allow the player to encounter some of the unique battle mechanics of three of the Battle Frontier venues. Rather than Battle Points, the player is awarded with an item that is rare or expensive.

The Battle Subway (バトルサブウェイ, Batoru Sabuwei) is unique to the Black and White games and serves as the games' Battle Tower, taking on the form of a subway to match the games' New York City-styled setting. In the same vein as the Battle Tower in Diamond and Pearl and the various Battle Frontiers, players earn BP and after a certain number of battles they challenge one or both of the two Subway Bosses (Subway Masters (サブウェイマスター, Sabuwei Masutā) in Japan), depending on what type of battles (Single, Double, or Multi) the player was competing in.

The Battle Subway returns in Black 2 and White 2, but it is joined by two new sets of areas. The first one introduced in the games is the Pokémon World Tournament (ポケモンワールドトーナメント, Pokemon Wārudo Tōnamento), wherein the player participates in a tournament-style setting with various NPC trainers, set to a particular theme of a level limit, using randomly assigned teams, or using teams downloaded from the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, to earn BP. The more advanced side of the Pokémon World Tournament is a tournament-style setting in battling the Gym Leaders and Pokémon League Champions from all over the Pokémon World, enabling players to challenge characters such as Brock and Misty from Red and Blue, Volkner from Diamond and Pearl, Lance from Gold and Silver, or Steven from Ruby and Sapphire. Also introduced in the games are the Black Tower (黒の摩天楼, Kuro no Matenrō) in Black 2's Black City and the White Treehollow (白の樹洞, Shiro no Judō) in White 2's White Forest. In these facilities, the player must battle a series of trainers without using items, and only relying on Doctor or Nurse trainers to restore their team's health. At the end, the player challenges the leader and later is awarded a rare Pokémon for succeeding.

Pokémon Contests[편집]

Pokémon Contests (ポケモンコンテスト, Pokemon Kontesuto) are competitions of skill among Pokémon Trainers and their Pokémon partners. Pokémon Contests are different from Pokémon battles, testing talent rather than power. They were introduced in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire and later appeared in Emerald, Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum (in the Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum games they are called "Super Contests").

There are five categories that a Pokémon can be entered into: Beauty, Cute, Cool, Tough, and Smart. In addition, there are four ranks of contests: Normal, Super, Hyper, and Master Rank. To enter, a trainer must go to the contest hall that holds contests of the appropriate rank, and in ranks higher than Normal, the participating Pokémon must have won the contest of the selected category in the previous rank. In Diamond and Pearl, Contests are renamed Super Contests, and the four ranks are named Normal, Great, Ultra, and Master.[15]

In the first round (called Visual Competition in Diamond and Pearl) the Pokémon is shown to the audience, who then vote on their favourite. Pokémon will gain more points here if they have good condition in the selected category, which can be increased by using Pokéblocks. In Diamond and Pearl, Pokéblocks are replaced by Poffins, and the player can also use the stylus to dress up their Pokémon in certain Accessories (アクセサリー, Akusesarī) to fit the theme of the contest.[16]

The second round, called Dance Competition, was introduced in Diamond and Pearl. The participating Pokémon join in a dance routine. The leading Pokémon gets rated based on following the rhythm, and the rest of the Pokémon have to mimic the leader's steps. All four participants take turns to be the leader.[17]

The final round (Acting Competition) comprises a few rounds, and the Pokémon are ordered in sequence based on their performance in the previous round. Each round, the player chooses one Pokémon move to perform before the judge, and in Diamond and Pearl players also choose which of three judges to appeal to. Each move has a category, appeal value, and effect. Using a good combination will gain the Pokémon more appeal points, but using the same attack twice will generally lose the Pokémon points. Moves can have many effects, such as "jamming" previous Pokémon to reduce their appeal, or randomizing the order of appeals in the next round.[18] After appeals are concluded, the results are shown, and the Pokémon with the most total points wins a ribbon.[19]

Pokéblocks and Poffins[편집]

Pokéblocks (Polock (ポロック, Porokku)), introduced in Ruby and Sapphire, are candy-like treats used to increase the contest condition and Loyalty of Pokémon. Pokéblocks are created from berries in the "Berry Blender" minigame, which can be played by two to four human or computer-controlled players. The types of berries blended by all participants affect the category and effectiveness of the resulting Pokéblock.

Poffins (ポフィン, Pofin), a type of baked goods, were introduced in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl as replacements for Pokéblocks. Poffins are made by adding a berry to some batter in a pot, and stirring it with a stylus using the Nintendo DS's touch screen. Poffins can be mixed only with human partners and can be done solo or with two to four players wirelessly.


In Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, the contest minigame is replaced with an athletic competition called the Pokéathlon (ポケスロン, Pokesuron). The competitions range from track and field events such as hurdling or a relay race to a snowball fight and a game resembling pachinko.

A Pokémon's stats may be increased by consuming "Aprijuice" ("Bon Drink" (ボンドリンク, Bon Dorinku)) made from fruits known as Apricorns that the player can find throughout the world. By putting a number of Apricorns in a blender and making the player character run a certain number of steps, the Apricorns are mixed into a milkshake-like blend. The process can be repeated multiple times, each time adding more Apricorns to the mixture and running to blend them. The number of times this is done, along with the variety of Apricorns used, affects the type and effectiveness of the resulting Aprijuice. Aprijuice will increase one of five additional statistics that only exist for the Pokéathlon which consist of Speed (unique from the standard Speed statistic), Power, Skill, Jump, and Stamina.

Pokémon Musicals[편집]

In Pokémon Black and White, the contest minigame is replaced by the Pokémon Musicals (ポケモンミュージカル, Pokemon Myūjikaru) game.[20] Rather than grooming Pokémon with Pokéblocks, Poffins, or Aprijuice, the player's Pokémon is only dressed in Accessories which can be waved around on stage when the Pokémon dances to various pieces of music; the player does not control the Pokémon during this time, other than Appealing with special props. If the audience likes the performance, they give more props to the player in person post-performance.

Pokéstar Studios[편집]

Another minigame is added in Black 2 and White 2 called Pokéstar Studios (Pokéwood (ポケウッド, Pokeuddo) in the Japanese release). The player joins the cast of a movie and participates in a mock battle with a chroma key opponent, all while picking line options that match the script of the film and completing an objective within a particular set of turns. Depending on how well the player performed according to the script (or if the player introduced a twist to the intended ending), he or she receives items from the film premiere's audience and unlocks more movies to participate in.


  1. Pokémon Ruby review (page 1) Gamespy.com. URL Accessed May 30, 2006.
  2. Pokémon Yellow Critical Review Ign.com. Retrieved March 27, 2006.
  3. Pokémon Diamond Version instruction booklet. p. 15.
  4. “バトル | 『ポケットモンスターブラック・ホワイト』公式サイト”. 2010년 10월 16일에 확인함. 
  5. “ローテーションバトル | 『ポケットモンスターブラック・ホワイト』公式サイト”. 2010년 10월 16일에 확인함. 
  6. Official Pokémon Scenario Guide Diamond and Pearl version p. 277
  7. Hilliard, Kyle; Masuda, Junichi (2012년 12월). “Pokémon's Burning Questions”. 《Game Informer》 (236): 112. 
  8. Chris Littler (2010년 10월 14일). “Our 50 Favorite Video Game Power-ups - UGO.com”. UGO.com. 2011년 3월 22일에 확인함. 
  9. Official Pokémon Scenario Guide Diamond and Pearl version p. 28
  10. Official Pokémon Scenario Guide Diamond and Pearl version p. 240–245
  11. Official Pokémon Scenario Guide Diamond and Pearl version p. 254
  12. Marcus, p. 13
  13. Hollinger, Crystal, p. 18.
  14. Hollinger, Crystal, p. 19.
  15. Official Pokémon Scenario Guide Diamond and Pearl version p. 227
  16. Official Pokémon Scenario Guide Diamond and Pearl version p. 229–233
  17. Official Pokémon Scenario Guide Diamond and Pearl version p. 234
  18. Official Pokémon Scenario Guide Diamond and Pearl version p. 235–236
  19. Official Pokémon Scenario Guide Diamond and Pearl version p. 237
  20. “ポケモンミュージカル | 『ポケットモンスターブラック・ホワイト』公式サイト”. 2010년 10월 16일에 확인함. 
