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사용자:WaffenSS/번역실/나치 수용소 시리즈

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

번역 후 다하우 강제 수용소로 Cut & Paste.

As a result of the American Army investigation court-martial charges were drawn up against Sparks and several other men under his command, but as General Patton, the recently appointed military governor of Bavaria, chose to dismiss the charges so the witnesses to the massacre were never cross examined in court and no one was found guilty.[1]

The U.S. troops also forced citizens of the local community to come to the camp, observe the conditions, and help clean the facilities. Many local residents were indignant about the experience and claimed no knowledge of the camp's activities.

Post-liberation Easter at Dachau[편집]

미군을 환영하는 해방된 다하우 수감자들

A few days after the liberation of the camp was the day of Pascha, Orthodox Easter. In a cell block used by Catholic priests to say daily mass, several Greek, Serbian, and Russian priests and one Serbian deacon, wearing makeshift vestments made from towels of the SS guard, gathered with several hundred Greek, Serbian and Russian prisoners to celebrate the Paschal Matins and Liturgy. A prisoner named Rahr described the scene:

In the entire history of the Orthodox Church there has probably never been an Easter service like the one at Dachau in 1945. Greek and Serbian priests together with a Serbian deacon adorned the make-shift 'vestments' over their blue and gray-striped prisoners' uniforms. Then they began to chant, changing from Greek to Slavonic, and then back again to Greek. The Easter Canon, the Easter Sticheras—everything was recited from memory. The Gospel—'In the beginning was the Word'—also from memory. And finally, the Homily of Saint John—also from memory. A young Greek monk from the Holy Mountain stood up in front of us and recited it with such infectious enthusiasm that we shall never forget him as long as we live. Saint John Chrysostomos himself seemed to speak through him to us and to the rest of the world as well!

There is a Russian Orthodox chapel at the camp today, and it is well known for its exquisite icon of Christ leading the prisoners out of the camp gates.

The U.S. 7th Army's version of the events of the Dachau Liberation are available in Report of Operations of the Seventh United States Army, Vol. 3, page 382.

After liberation[편집]

After liberation, the camp was used by the US Army as an internment camp. In 1948 the Bavarian government established housing for refugees on the site, and this remained for many years.[2]

The memorial site[편집]

The commemorative mass grave dedicated to the unknown dead at Dachau
"Never again" written in several languages

Between 1945 and 1948 when the camp was handed over to the Bavarian authorities, many accused war criminals and members of the SS were imprisoned at the camp. After this period, due to a severe housing shortage and the arrival of many thousands of refugees from Eastern Germany, the camp was used as temporary housing until the 1950s. During this time, former prisoners banded together to erect a memorial on the site of the camp, finding it unbelievable that there were still people (refugees) living in the former camp.

The display, which was reworked in 2003, takes the visitor through the path of new arrivals to the camp. Special presentations of some of the notable prisoners are also provided. Two of the barracks have been rebuilt and one shows a cross-section of the entire history of the camp, since the original barracks had to be torn down due to their poor condition when the memorial was built. The other 28 barracks are indicated by concrete foundations.

The memorial includes four chapels for the various religions represented among the prisoners.

The local government resisted designating the complete site a memorial. The former SS barracks adjacent to the camp are now occupied by the Bavarian Bereitschaftspolizei (rapid response police unit).[3]

다하우의 유명한 죄수들[편집]

저항 투사들[편집]


Dachau had a special "priest block." Of the 2720 priests (among them 2579 Catholic) held in Dachau, 1034 did not survive the camp. The majority were Polish (1780), of whom 868 died in Dachau.






  1. 인용 오류: <ref> 태그가 잘못되었습니다; AP라는 이름을 가진 주석에 텍스트가 없습니다
  2. Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site (pedagogical information) 틀:De icon
  3. Sven Felix Kellerhoff (2002년 10월 21일 23:33). “Neue Museumskonzepte für die Konzentrationslager”. 《WELT ONLINE》 (독일어) (Axel Springer AG). 2007년 3월 21일에 확인함. . . . die SS-Kasernen neben dem KZ Dachau wurden zuerst (bis 1974) von der US-Armee bezogen. Seither nutzt sie die VI. Bayerische Bereitschaftspolizei. (. . . the SS barracks adjacent to the Dachau concentration camp were at first occupied by the US Army (until 1974) . Since then they have been used by the Sixth Rapid Response Unit of the Bavarian Police.) 

External links[편집]

See also[편집]

북위 48° 16′ 13″ 동경 11° 28′ 05″ / 북위 48.27028° 동경 11.46806°  / 48.27028; 11.46806